How should XPath be created?
Are you a novice tester? Are you struggling to find reliable information about XPath creation? If so, this article is for you! You will find here information about: how to find a good locator, what it is, and what to do when available tools fail as they create paths difficult to use in automation.
Milo Team
Postgres crosstab benchmark
For the specific case described in the previous article, we did some comparison tests to check if we have chosen really the best solution. We had a database of rare type (most of the entries for given periods had no values) and for each query about products (usually 100 rows per query) we need to add a different count of additional columns, which were a pivot from a given row relation to another table.
Milo Team
"I’d never want to lose Milo". Another opinion on Clutch
- It feels like they’re a part of our company - says Jamie Jacobs, CEO of KFM 24/7 Ltd., one of our most loyal clients. This is just an excerpt from an opinion that was posted on Clutch.
Newsletter Milo - February
In our February newsletter, as always, you will find a lot of information about Qt technology. Additionally, you will read about a worthy replacement for Google Authenticator and learn how to turn synthetic materials into... 3D printer one. Finally, we will present a 10-second and extremely accurate test on COVID-19.
Milo Team
We’ve got a new review on Clutch!
- Above all, I appreciate their excellent communication and flexibility - these are the words of Pedro Gomez, Product Director at Run It Once Poker, who is one of our clients and was recently tempted to evaluate our project work at Clutch.
Milo Team
Postgres optimization with crosstab
One of the most interesting projects realized in the last year by our Web team was creating a service to analyze our client’s trends and product sales forecasts. They were supposed to be generated from considerable historical sales data with a group of defined indicators taken into account.
Introduction to performance testing: load and stress testing QA
Each tester has or at least should have met the concept of performance or stress tests in their work. They may even have been commissioned to do them and they are reading this article to find the answer to the question of what they are and what distinguishes them from the others. In this text, I will try to introduce some concepts and types of tests that fall within the scope of performance testing in a broad sense.
Milo Team
Milo Solutions Proud to be a Highly Ranked App Development Firm in Clutch
We have been implementing projects for our clients for over 10 years. That results in opinions that drive us to even greater effort, especially those on the Clutch website, where we have been present for several months.
Newsletter Milo - October
In the October Newsletter, you will find a lot of information about Qt 6, the release of which is getting closer. You will also learn the story of the man who cheated Tesla's algorithms and the successor to the famous Hubble telescope. We invite you to the Milo Newsletter!
M. Iskierko: working in Milo, for a company from Silicon Valley os prestige
Michał Iskierko is a man of many talents - triathlete, drummer, amateur carpenter, but above all, our Senior Software Developer. At the same time, he is the person who has been working in Milo for the longest time. In the interview with Kacper, Michał talked among others about his beginnings in the company. In 2012, a project of and electronic menu was like jumping in at the deep end. Remote work with people from the US - that involved the time shift - he reminisces.