
Myotest is software for a device designed by the Swiss company Myotest. The device is used to take measurements from a wide range of tests that are performed by the tested person. The purpose of the tests is to determine the present health or physical condition, depending on the selected type of test. Test results are stored on a local computer and a copy is sent to the server to create a backup.

Depending on the type of the test obtained results are subject to visualization and comparison with previous tests to compare changes of the physical condition during execution of various tests. This is particularly helpful in training professional athletes who aim for gold medals. However, the device can be used not only by athletes.

One of the existing modules, i.e. CARE, is used by physiotherapists for the analysis of movements in order to prevent back injuries. Test results are analyzed by qualified experts, and then a patient is offered a set of exercises to do at home, which should reduce the risk and possibly prevent the occurrence of injuries of the spine and its surrounding area. The application and the device itself are aimed at people who do not necessarily have extensive knowledge of information technology. For this reason, much emphasis was placed on simplicity and ease of use, so for example, test results are displayed in the form of easily readable graphs, along with the ability to prepare a detailed report, which can be printed or saved to a computer.

This application enables its users to create modules, i.e. a set of tests defined by them. This allows for precise selection of tests for a training set. New modules can be downloaded or users' own ones shared with others via a web service.

The program has an option to check the current version and update itself and the software available for the device. For safety reasons and to protect the privacy of personal data encryption was employed. Because the application and the device itself will be available in many countries, the support for multiple languages, in which an application can display data to a user, was implemented. The unit system can also be changed, giving users the possibility of adjusting the results to the system that suits them best. The owners of the previous Myotest system were not forgotten and the new software supports the import of the data from the earlier version of the software. This allows for a painless transition to the new system without losing the existing tests.

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